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Citrus fruits


Edulè SAS
Sede legale: via Tobruk, 53 - 89050 Fiumara (RC)

P.IVA 02973400803




© 2019 Edulè SAS  -  Tutti i diritti sono riservati


​designed by mbdesign

Following the launch and success of Annona and its processed products, we wanted to enhance another excellence of Reggio Calabria: citrus fruits.


These fruits have always been characteristic of the Calabrian territory, covering most of the fruit agricultural production, as well as being for several decades the main source of income for local farmers.


Our citrus fruits include bergamot, the timeless oranges of the Catona valley (Tarocco and Belladonna varieties), the sfusato lemon, mandarin and clementine, also to be found in the same area as the orange.

BERGAMOT of Reggio Calabria


Bergamot has been called ‘the green gold’ of Calabria by many: its production in the coastal and hilly area of Reggio Calabria accounts for about 90 percent of world production. 

The fruit is similar in shape and size to that of the orange (the weight can vary from about 150 to 400 g), while the color is that of the lemon. It can be eaten raw or juiced, although its very sour taste does not make it very palatable.


A typical use of it is as a condiment in meat or fish dishes, but it is mainly in confectionery production and the perfumery industry that, in extract form, its characteristics are enhanced. 

About 350 components have been identified in bergamot, many of which have a beneficial impact on our health, from fighting bad cholesterol to heart wellness.


ORANGE Tarocco and Tarocco Moro


Tarocco orange and the Tarocco moro are among the most common and appreciated citrus fruits on the market.

The fruit is normally round in shape, sometimes sub-ovoid, with a broad base and a slightly sunken apex; it may have a fine or medium-thick skin depending on the season and cultivation techniques with a yellow-orange color tending to blush on more than half of its surface. The flesh is yellow-orange with more or less intense red streaks.


The texture is fine, juicy and fragrant; the flavor is medium-sugar and slightly sour. The harvest period is normally from mid-December until the end of March; Tarocco oranges can be stored for as long as 30 to 45 days at low temperatures and in a well-humidified environment.


ORANGE Belladonna of Reggio Calabria


This is a late cultivar: between February and March it is possible to appreciate the first fruits, which can keep well on the plant even until late June.

The fruit, orange in color, is oval, subovoid and spherical depending on the season; it is seedless (total absence or very few seeds); its average size is 7.5 cm median diameter and up to 8 cm longitudinal diameter. The average weight is around 220g. The thickness of the peel is medium (5-6 mm) with an average papillate surface. The flesh is rich in juice (always >51%).

Hesperidium has a sweet and persistent flavor by virtue of a high sugar concentration that tends to increase from March to May. Juice yield decreases toward May-June, as does acidity. Rich is the concentration of vitamin C between April and May, which can reach 43.20mg/100ml. 

On the market, this particular cultivar, exclusive to the Reggio area, represents a top of the range, reaching retail prices that far exceed those of the more classic Tarocco and Navel, also found in the same area.

“Arancia di San Giuseppe” refers to the specific Belladonna varieties cultivated and widespread in the municipal area of Reggio Calabria, between the river valleys of Gallico and Catona.


Washington ORANGE


The Washington Navel variety is a popular cultivar with great taste.  The size of these oranges is large, their shape is spherical or slightly elliptical, and internally they have no seeds. 


Typical of Washington Navels is the presence of the so-called ‘navel’, another small fruit of varying size, which is mostly ‘closed’. 


Their skin is medium thick, intense orange in color and medium to fine-grained; the juice content not very high. The flesh is firm with a pleasant flavor, not too acidic, and a deep orange color that varies according to the degree of ripeness.

The harvest period runs from mid-December until March.


LATE MANDARIN - Marzolo and/or Ciaculli


This mandarin draws its double name from the Ciaculli village in Palermo and from the later ripening period compared to that of the classic mandarin: in fact, it ripens from February until April, when the production of other mandarins is now finished.


It is an endemic species, of absolutely natural origin, which therefore does not arise from grafting or genetic processing. It has an intense aroma, high sugar content, and a very thin, orange-colored, glossy skin. The almost total absence of seeds inside makes the Tardivo a mandarin with an appearance and flavor appreciated all over the world.

The harvest period is from mid-February until April.


CLEMENTINE of Calabria


Clementines of Calabria are a pleasant-tasting citrus fruit of great quality; they are spheroidal in shape, slightly flattened at the poles, and have a minimum caliber around 16-18mm.


The skin appears smooth, dark orange in color, with numerous oil glands. The flesh is juicy, deliquescent and aromatic, characterized by the absence of seeds or a small number of them.

The harvest period is from mid-November until January.
